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20 Jun 2020
Event Details

We are excited to present the brand-new online symposium "Hip meets Physio and Sports" which was livestreamed from our TV studio at Hammerbrooklyn.DigitalCampus in Hamburg and is addressed to „hip enthusiasts". All speakers believe that hip surgery only works in a team approach.

Join us for an exciting educational journey starting with the "Basics" of hip anatomy and hip biomechanics followed by different views to the hip (Manual Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, specific "groin" and "hip" surgeon). In the second part of the seminar - "Getting Closer" - our international faculty will discuss essential topics to consider when patients suffer from hip and groin pain. The third part - "Oh My God - Surgery" - deals with up-to-date surgical treatment options and precise aftercare. The fourth and last part - "Treat & Care" - will focus on prevention programs, return to activity and try to share some ideas about combined hip and spine "problems". Highly specialized international speakers will guarantee a deep knowledge of hip problems, diagnostics and treatment options.

Be part of this exceptional online symposium which takes a unique holistic approach to hip and groin problems. Watch the post-live version conveniently from your home and get answers to your most burning questions.

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Scientific Chairs

Alexander Baillou, MSc
Hüftnetzwerk.at - Vienna, Austria
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Frank Timo Beil, M.D.
UKE Hamburg-Eppendorf - Hamburg, Germany
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Hartmut Bork, M.D.
Reha Center St. Joseph Stift - Sendenhorst, Germany
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Christopher Cramer, M.D.
UKE Hamburg-Eppendorf - Hamburg, Germany
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Faramarz Dehghani, M.D.
University Clinic Halle (Saale) - Halle (Saale), Germany
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Andreas Dohm
Deutsche Arzt AG - Essen, Germany
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Axel Gänsslen, M.D.
Hospital Wolfsburg - Wolfsburg, Germany
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Christian Gatzka, M.D.
Hamburger Hüftmanufaktur - Hamburg, Germany
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Hans Gollwitzer, M.D.
ATOS Clinic - Munich, Germany
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Louise Grant, MSc
Physiocure - Leeds, UK
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Niklas Hennecke, M.D.
Argon Practice - FC St. Pauli - Hamburg, Germany
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Anna Higo, MSC
Physiocure - Leeds, UK
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Richard Jung, M.D.
Orthopedic Center Lübeck - Lübeck, Germany
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Jens Lohmann, M.D.
Schön Clinic - Hamburg, Germany
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Friedrich Molsberger, M.D.
Acupuncture in Berlin - Berlin, Germany
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Michael Morlock, M.D.
Technical University - Hamburg, Germany
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Johannes Reich
ENDO Rehabilitation Center - Hamburg, Germany
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Michael Richter
Rückenzentrum am Michel - Hamburg, Germany
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Tim Rolvien, M.D., PhD
UKE Hamburg-Eppendorf - Hamburg, Germany
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Jörg Schröder, M.D.
BG Clinic Trauma Hospital - Berlin, Germany
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Uwe Schröder, Dipl. Oec.
German Institute for Sports Nutrition (DISE) - Bad Nauheim, Germany
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Christian Sobau, M.D.
ARCUS Sports Clinic - Pforzheim, Germany
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Associate Professor
Amir Takla
Australian Sports Physio - Melbourne, Australia
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Sergej Thiele
Chimanos Medical Care Unit - Berlin, Germany
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Götz Welsch, M.D., PhD
Athleticum, UKE - Hamburg, Germany
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Partners Event Agenda
Intro: The hip from “Hamburg” - How to understand - How to heal!
Part I “The Basics” (Chairs: Dehghani / Morlock)
09.05 CET | The hip from an anatomist's perspective (Dehghani / Halle)
10 min
09.15 CET | How does the hip work? – a biomechanic's perspective? (Morlock / Hamburg)
10 min
09.25 CET | The hip from the view of a doctor of manual medicine & osteopathy (Thiele / Chimanos / MWE / Berlin)
10 min
09.35 CET | The “traditional chinese way“ of looking at the hip (Molsberger / Berlin / Potsdam)
10 min
09.45 CET | What are the reasons for hip and groin pain? View from a specialized hernia surgeon (Steinmüller / Hamburg)
10 min
09.55 CET | What are the reasons for hip joint degeneration? View from an orthopaedic surgeon (Jung / Lübeck)
10 min
Discussion, coffee break and industrial exhibition
Part II “Getting Closer” (Chairs: Hennecke / Sobau)
10.15 CET | Standardized clinical examination of a painful hip (Sobau / Arcus Klinik / Pforzheim)
10 min
10.25 CET | Diagnostic injections – When, how, effect & evidence (Gollwitzer / ECOM / München)
10 min
10.35 CET | “Soft stuff” – The sportsman's hernia – always a “straight forward” diagnosis? (Hennecke / Argon / FC St. Pauli / Hamburg)
10 min
10.45 CET | “Hard stuff” – Bony changes as reasons for hip and groin pain – what to look for? (Rolvien / UKE / Hamburg)
10 min
10.55 CET | Effects of nutrition change in high-level athletes with hip and groin pain (Schröder / DISE / Bad Nauheim)
10 min
11.05 CET | Too late for joint preserving surgery – too early for joint replacement – What to do – are there any new concepts? (Dohm / Deutsche Arzt AG / Essen)
10 min
Coffee break and industrial exhibition
“Invited Lecturer” - Leeds/UK (Chairs: Baillou / Jung)
11.30 CET | “Physio Cure“ a highly specialized centre for hip patients (Louise Grant / Leeds, UK)
15 min
11.45 CET | “How to deal with hypermobility – tips and tricks” (Anna Higo / Leeds, UK)
15 min
Discussion, Coffee break and industrial workshop (virtual option)
Part III “Oh My God” - Surgery (Chairs: Beil / Gänsslen)
13.00 CET | What's new in joint preserving hip surgery? (Gatzka / Hamburg)
10 min
13.10 CET | Rehabilitation after joint preserving hip surgery (Baillou / Vienna / Austria)
10 min
13.20 CET | What's new in fracture treatment of pelvic ring and acetabular fractures? (Gänsslen / Wolfsburg)
10 min
13.30 CET | Rehabilitation after osteosynthesis of acetabular and pelvic ring fractures (Cramer / UKE / Hamburg)
10 min
13.40 CET | What's new in hip joint replacement? (Beil / UKE / Hamburg)
10 min
13.50 CET | Rehabilitation before & after joint replacement – What's new? (Bork / Sendenhorst)
10 min
Coffee break and industrial exhibition
“Invited Lecturer” - Melbourne/AUS (Chairs: Richter / Gatzka)
14.15 CET | Are there any structured hip injury prevention programs out in the field? (Amir Takla / Melbourne, Australia)
15 min
Part IV “We Treat & Care” (Chairs: Lohmann / Schröder)
14.30 CET | “Alter G” myth or benefits after surgical treatment of the hip? (Reich / ENDO Klinik / Hamburg)
10 min
14.40 CET | Return to sports, play and competition tests (RTS, RTP, RTC) after surgical treatment of the hip – where are we today? (Welsch / UKE / HSV)
10 min
14.50 CET | Correct indication, perfect operation, ongoing pain – what to do? View from a surgeon's perspective. (Schröder / BG Unfallklinik / Berlin)
10 min
15.00 CET | Correct indication, perfect operation, ongoing pain – what to do? View from a physiotherapist and pain expert's view (Richter / RZ am Michel / Hamburg)
10 min
15.10 CET | Last but not least: What does the “spine” think about “the hip”? (Lohmann / Schön Klinik / Hamburg)
10 min
Discussion, Closing remarks and fare well
I Will Learn To
Deepen the anatomic and biomechanics understanding of the hip and to incorporate different views on pathophysiology of groin pain
Understand the necessity and indication for diagnostic injections based upon a standardized clinical examination
Differentiate between bony and soft tissue pathologies
Get to know different physiotherapeutic ways to treat patients with hip patholgies
Get to know the latest trends in treatment and rehabilitation of joint preserving hip surgery for degenerative and traumatic pathologies
Get an overview of hip prevention programs
Make a treatment plan for patients with ongoing groin pain after hip surgery
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