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We are excited to present our first live webinar in cooperation with the SECEC-ESSSE on the topic “Capsular Release of the Elbow”. Join us for a brand-new online teaching format featuring concise talks, instructive surgical videos and an interactive live discussion with participant voting and Q&A.
Enjoy an instructive surgical journey starting with the indication and rational for stiffness release as well as the classification and causes of extrinsic stiffness. Our international SECEC experts will give practical tips and tricks on how to set up arthroscopic portals to protect structures at risk and teach their personal technique for open and arthroscopic capsular release. Participate live from wherever you are and ask your questions in real-time.
The training is certified with 4 CME credits by the German Medical Association and specifically designed for orthopaedic surgeons specialized in the surgery of the shoulder and elbow.
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