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29 Sep - 1 Oct 2022
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In cooperation with the Balgrist University Hospital, we are excited to present a high-caliber online live broadcast from the popular “Balgrist International Shoulder Course" which will took place in Zurich from 29 September to 1 October 2022. Under the scientific guidance of Dr. Karl Wieser, the three-day course focuses on "Rotator Cuff Disorders” and covers the entire spectrum of rotator cuff tears, from etiology to arthroscopic RC repair techniques, from basic science aspects to tendon transfers and from augmented repairs to the latest developments in reverse shoulder arthroplasty.

Tune in from wherever you are and enjoy a first-class program featuring an international faculty of world renowned shoulder surgeons, who present their latest research, perform live surgeries, and share their knowledge in interactive case discussions.

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Karl Wieser, M.D.
University Hospital Balgrist - Zurich, Switzerland
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Tjarco Alta, M.D., PhD
Spaarne Gasthuis - Amsterdam, Netherlands
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George Athwal, M.D., FRCSC
St. Joseph's Health Care - London, Ontario, Canada
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Pascal Boileau, M.D.
Nice Shoulder Institute - Nice, France
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Samy Bouaicha, M.D., PhD
University Hospital Balgrist - Zurich, Switzerland
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Emilio Calvo, M.D.
Fundacion Jimenez Diaz - Madrid, Spain
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Florian Grubhofer, M.D.
University Hospital Balgrist - Zurich, Switzerland
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Laurence Higgins, M.D.
Brigham & Womens Faulkner Hospital - Boston, USA
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Bernhard Jost, M.D.
Canton Hospital - St. Gallen, Switzerland
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Alexandre Lädermann, M.D.
La Tour Hospital - Meyrin, Switzerland
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Laurent Lafosse, M.D.
Clinique Générale - Annecy, France
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Thibault Lafosse, M.D.
Clinique Générale - Annecy, France
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Philipp Moroder, M.D.
Schulthess Clinic - Zurich, Switzerland
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Lionel Neyton, M.D.
Orthopedic Center Santy - Lyon, France
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Patric Raiss, M.D.
Orthopedic Surgery Munich (OCM) - Munich, Germany
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Markus Scheibel, M.D.
Schulthess Clinic - Zurich, Switzerland
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Philippe Valenti, M.D.
Institut de la Main, Clinique Bizet - Paris, France
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Olivier Verborgt, M.D.
Orthoca Orthopedic Center - Antwerp, Belgium
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Jon J.P. Warner, M.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital - Boston, USA
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Jean-David Werthel, M.D.
Parisian Shoulder Institute - Paris, France
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Matthias Zumstein, M.D.
University Hospital - Bern, Switzerland
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Partners Event Agenda
8.20 CET | Session 1
Welcome by Prof. Mazda Farshad, Medical Director and Surgeon in Chief, and PD Dr. Karl Wieser, Head of Shoulder Surgery and Course Chairman
10 min
Essential anatomy and biomechanics of the RC G. Athwal
15 min
Risk factors for RC tear T. Alta
15 min
Partial tears: Indications for operative repair and techniques M. Scheibel
15 min
Live surgery: Arthroscopic PASTA repair L. Lafosse
30 min
09.45 CET | Coffee Break
30 min
10.15 CET | Session 2
Re-live video presentations and panel discussion: My preferred technique for treating PASTA lesions S. Bouaicha (Moderator), L. Higgins, J.-P. Warner, M. Zumstein
30 min
Subscapularis tears (diagnosis and repair techniques) L. Lafosse
30 min
Re-live video presentations and panel discussion: My preferred technique for treating subscapularis lesions F. Grubhofer (Moderator), G. Athwal, P. Valenti, P. Moroder
15 min
Live surgery: Arthroscopic subscapularis repair P. Raiss
45 min
12.15 CET | Lunch Break
75 min
13.30 CET | Session 3
Natural history of RC tears K. Wieser
15 min
Midesize to massive tears: What are indications for operative repair E. Calvo
15 min
Is there still a place for a single row repair B. Jost
15 min
What‘s the evidence for a double row repair J.-D. Werthel
15 min
Live surgery: Arthroscopic double layer lasso loop RC repair with biologic augmentation (Regeneten) T. Lafosse
60 min
15.30 CET | Coffee Break
30 min
16.00 CET | Session 4
Re-live video presentations and panel discussion: My preferred posterosuperior RC repair technique S. Bouaicha (Moderator), L. Neyton, T. Alta, P. Raiss, M. Scheibel
30 min
Clinical and structural long term results of RC repairs P. Moroder
15 min
Biological enhanced RC healing: what works, what doesn‘t and what is the future? M. Zumstein
15 min
What is the value of RC repair and how should we measure it? J.-P. Warner
15 min
Structural or biological patches: Any evidence and what do I expect from the future? T. Alta
15 min
Acromioplasty: Anterior, lateral, not at all? A. Lädermann
15 min
Indications and technique for suprascapular nerve release in RC repair? T. Lafosse
15 min
Case discussion and wrap up K. Wieser (Moderator), L. Lafosse, G. Athwal, P. Valenti
30 min
8.00 CET | Session 1
Postoperative evaluation of RC tendons: What is clinically relevant? P. Boileau
15 min
Prediction of RC repair failure: Will AI help? A. Lädermann
15 min
Clinical and radiographic signs of an irreparabel RC tear P. Raiss
15 min
Revision arthroscopic RC repair: When does it work? E. Calvo
15 min
Live surgery: Arthroscopic-assisted latissimus dorsi tendon transfer K. Wieser
75 min
10.15 CET | Coffee Break
30 min
10.45 CET | Session 2
Biomechanical basics of tendon transfers at the shoulder J.-D. Werthel
15 min
Irreparable posterosuperior RC tears: Which tendon transfer for which indication? P. Valenti
15 min
Superior capsular reconstruction: Indications and oputcomes M. Scheibel
15 min
Outcome after latissimus dorsi transfer, lower trapezius transfer and superior capsular reconstruction J.-P. Warner
15 min
What’s the argument for a partial reconstruction or tendon transfer over spacer concepts? P. Moroder
15 min
Re-live video presentations and panel discussion: My preferred technique for the irreparable posterosuperior RC tear F. Grubhofer (Moderator), P. Boileau, P. Moroder, E. Calvo, L. Neyton
30 min
12.30 CET | Lunch Break
75 min
13.45 CET | Session 3
Live surgery: Arthroscopic superior capsular reconstruction L. Higgins
75 min
Pectoralis major tendon transfer for irreparable subscapularis tears B. Jost
15 min
Anterior latissimus dorsi transfer for irreparable subscapularis tears T. Lafosse
15 min
15.30 CET | Coffee Break
30 min
16.00 CET | Session 4
Re-live video presentations and panel discussion: My preferred technique for the irreparable subscapualris tear S. Bouaicha (Moderator), O. Verborgt, T. Alta, L. Lafosse, M. Zumstein
30 min
The borderline between joint preservation and RTSA - Factors which lead me to decide for one or the other: The US way J.-P. Warner
15 min
The borderline between joint preservation and RTSA - Factors which lead me to decide for one or the other: The French way L. Neyton
15 min
Case discussion: Irreparable RC tear K. Wieser (Moderator), P. Valenti, P. Boileau, M. Scheibel, G. Athwal, P. Raiss
30 min
8.00 CET | Session 1
Biomechanics of RTSA: Best position and implant design J.-D. Werthel
15 min
Preoperative planning and computer assisted surgery in RTSA: where are we today and what do we really need? O. Verborgt
15 min
Live surgery: RTSA using mixed / virtual reality L. Neyton
75 min
BIO-RSA: Biology first P. Boileau
15 min
Augmented baseplates: Metal always wins M. Scheibel
15 min
10.15 CET | Coffee Break
30 min
10.45 CET | Session 2
How to improve internal rotation after RTSA P. Valenti
15 min
How to improve external rotation after RTSA G. Athwal
15 min
Posture and its influence on outcome of RTSA P. Moroder
15 min
Live surgery: RTSA using PSI O. Verborgt
75 min
12.45 CET | Lunch Break
75 min
14.00 CET | Session 3
Value based medicine: What is the value of RTSA and what technology really improves patients outcome? J.-P. Warner
15 min
Re-live video presentations and panel discussion: My preferred planning, execution and RTSA implant design S. Bouaicha (Moderator), A. Lädermann, O. Verborgt, E. Calvo, T. Lafosse
30 min
Live surgery: RTSA using next AR M. Zumstein
75 min
Outcome and long term survival after RTSA P. Raiss
15 min
Most common complication after RTSA and how to avoid them L. Lafosse
15 min
Wrap up and closing remarks K. Wieser
15 min
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