With our ScienceCasts we present a special video format on Winglet: Current scientific topics are summarized by dedicated colleagues and discussed in terms of their value for clinical practice - well-founded, vivid and compact.
In the series “Myths and truths about antibiotic-loaded bone cement” launched by PALACADEMY®, the learning and knowledge platform for bone and joint surgery by Heraeus Medical, Volker Alt discusses the current status and new publications with his guest experts. The first episode focusses on the evidence for the use of single and dual-loaded ALBC. Is there a benefit? Can ALBC reduce the rates of Periprosthetic Joint Infections? Recent studies and papers are presented, analyzed and interpreted in the scientific context. Enjoy a differentiated dialogue in a highly efficient short video format and stay up-to-date.
Please check the “Top Resources” section for a detailed literature list and free articles.