On May 10, 2022 at 7 pm CET join a panel of international experts for an engaging investigation into knee arthroplasty in Unicondylar vs. Total Knee - When and How to Use What. In cooperation with LINKademy SmartStreaming, the medical education Webinar channel by Waldemar Link GmbH, we present an interactive look at the theoretical and practical usage of unicondylar versus total knee replacements.
The first session of the event focuses on the theory of both procedures, providing general overviews, tips and tricks and expert recommendations for differing circumstances. The second half of the event investigates real cases in a fast-paced evaluation round where the experts and viewers alike share their experience-based opinions on best treatment choice based on pre-surgery X-Rays.
The post-live version was certified by the German Medical Association Berlin from 18 May 2022-17 May 2023. During that period you were be able to complete the CME quiz and earn 4 CME credits.
The livestream and post-live are free of charge. Watch the replay whenever your time allows.
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